Gateway backup from 7.9.13 to 8.0.7 results in gateway faulted and unable to start. Required reinstallation of Ignition. Caused by long tag event scripts on tags. Scripts were 251 lines long. Once these were shortened the restore completes successfully.
Restoring the backup to a new install of 7.9.13 and then updating to 8.0.7 did not result in the same issue.
From wrapper log:
INFO | jvm 2 | 2020/01/24 08:26:27 | I [IgnitionGateway ] [14:26:27]: Disabling gateway due to restore settings.
INFO | jvm 2 | 2020/01/24 08:26:28 | E [s.u.SLogSlf4j ] [14:26:28]: #### -ERROR [SS 286.ClusterSession]_Transaction has unflushed updated records. This is normally caused by an unrelated Exception throwing to the finally block in which case ignore this message. But if no other exception then a commit() probably missing.
INFO | jvm 2 | 2020/01/24 08:26:28 |
INFO | jvm 2 | 2020/01/24 08:26:28 | E [IgnitionGateway ] [14:26:28]: Error during context startup.
INFO | jvm 2 | 2020/01/24 08:26:28 | simpleorm.utils.SException$Validation: Param too long (>-1) for field [F TagEventScriptRecord.Script] and value if not initialChange: