[bug-988]HTTP ERROR 404 Not Found (any change in webdev module?)

I tried my ARS module after quite some time, with the latest version of Ignition 8.1 It uses WebDev module to access HTML pages from my gateway server folders C:\ARS. I am getting “HTTP ERROR 404 Not Found” error while accessing an HTML resources (my project name is ‘ars’ and ‘C:\ARS’ is the path to the mounted folder to WebDev. (see screen shot 1) The file does exist in the specified path (see screen shot 2). This was not happening with previous version. Is there any change in WebDev module in the new version?

HTTP ERROR 404 Not Found

URI: /system/webdev/ars/ARS/tours/residence/tour.html
MESSAGE: Not Found

Same thing is happening to my RWS module which resides at C:\ARS\RWS. I am getting 404 error:

HTTP ERROR 404 Not Found

URI: /system/webdev/ars/ARS/rws/rws.html
MESSAGE: Not Found

The WebDev module is installed and running. Please see the screen shot for version:

One more observation is that the files directly under mounted folder (C:/ARS in this case) are accessible to the webDev module but not the resources under the sub-directories below it !

Similar problem was reported one of the trial users of this module but I couldn’t reproduce it that time (about an year ago!)

Here is the link to some post reporting same issue with my ARS module, which I couldn’t reproduce at that time How to get data from database in html page created in web dev module

The only time I ever get a 404 not found is when there is a scripting error on the page and it fails to compile.
Open each page and look for a little red bar on the right of the scripting panel.


No but there are no errors either in the scripts or in a plain HTML page being loaded at the URI.! I don’t know how to test it also!

I am convinced now that the WebDev module is not able to access files in the subfolders below the mounted folder! I kept a following simple HTML file systemlist2.html as follows:

Test page

under the C:\ARS folder and on invoking it with URL http://laptop-rlsqd170:8088/main/system/webdev/ars/ARS/systemlist2.html, the page displays properly.

Whereas when I put the same html file under a subfolder below C:ARS\tours\systemlist2.html (and delete it from C:\ARS) then it gives 404 error!

Also note that if I keep the systemlist2.html file in C:\ARS , then what ever path I give in URL below C:\ARS, the page is displayed properly, no error given that the URL doesn’t exits! See the screen below:

Request IA to please test this with latest WebDev module! The bug is that WebDev is not able to see anything below the mounted folder (C:\ARS in this case). In fact what ever you enter in the URL below mounted folder, it doesn’t given any error if its able to see the last file name in the mounted folder!

I am noticing this in latest versions of Ignition, earlier it was not happening with initial versions of Ignition 8, with me , perhaps some trial users were facing this issue as they were trying the latest version of Ignition!

Have you checked system file permissions on the sub folders?
Does the account you have the Ignition service running as have access to the folder?

How to check that? But If mounted folder has access then folders below will definitely have access!

Another weird thing is if a file name XYZ exists in mounted folder and I give a non existent path below mounted folder in the with XYA as the file name at the end, it loads the XYZ file in browser! Something definitely weird!

If it is a default install for Ignition try granting the SYSTEM account full access to the main folder and all subfolders.

Yes all permissions are available to SYSTEM in all folders and subfolders!:

How do you explain the resource name to work properly if its in mounted folder , irrespective of any even non existent subfolders given in the URL! The WebDev just looks at the resource name at the end and searches it in ONLY the mounted (main) folder, not the actual path!

Subfolders of mounted folders are working fine for me in 8.0.16. I haven’t tested 8.1.0 yet.

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This appears to be a regression due to another issue fixed in 8.1.0.

My version is 1.1.0-rc1. So will installing latest released version 1.1 will solve the problem?

No. 8.1.0 (and therefore, WebDev 1.1.0) final is already finished and available. The earliest possible fix would be available in 8.1.1/WebDev 1.1.1.

Ok I will wait for v 81.1.1 to be released.

A fix for this was just merged into the 8.1.1 code base and should be available in the next nightly build.


This problem is appearing again in Ignition and webdev version 8.1.22 ! The URL rlsqd170:8088/main/system/webdev/ars/ARS/systemlist2.html gives 404 error !
Can someone lookinto it please?

Till 8.1.21 its was working fine! It seems to have cropped up again!

Upgraded to version 8.1.24 and it's working fine again!