[BUG] - BACNET BUG?, regarding power-outage

All my Bacnet Tags go “Bad” after a power-outage.
(In this power-outage, the ignition server and all hardware/plc devices lost power.)

To fix it, I must manually select “Invalidate Browse” on all device configurations on the Ignition server.

All other drivers work properly after a power-outage

Can this be confirmed by anyone else ?

Running Ignition 8.1 Final

Did you get any response regarding this issue?
I am having the same issue on a power loss or an ethernet disconnection to any device. I have also had an issue where all 6 of my bacnet devices will cycle between Initializing and uninitialized but never connect, the only way I’ve found to fix this issue is restart computer.

Haven’t got any fix or response to this.
I ended up ditching Bacnet, and do polling on the data via XML api.

Not good.
What I have done is un-check the "COV Enabled check box in the device setup. This looks to help with the recovery.

I am having similar issues.
Running Ignition 8.1.28.

I have tried with COV Enabled and disabled, Ignition just does not want to re-initialize the connection. We have power bumps and outages all the time, Ignition is on a UPS and rarely looses power, but the device looses power all the time. When the device comes back up PLCs and supervisory devices are able to reconnect no problem but Ignition will not automatically re-start the connection. I have to "invalidate the browse manually".

I am currently working with Tech support on this issue and will post when we figure out the root cause.

I am Working on getting Wireshark captures for it now.

I came up with a work around for now by polling the PLC that is looking at the same device. Based on Time stamps from the PLC to the BACnet Device compared to Ignition to the BACnet Device, I Restart the BACnet device connection if Ignition is not updating but the PLC is.

I had some BACnet devices that would not re-initialize a connection to Ignition. I ended up using a different BACnet driver for them.

A different Ignition BACnet driver?

Tech support worked with me on this. They escalated the issue and worked with the developers to fix the bug. They sent me a new BACnet module to test, and it worked!

I am told the fix will be in 8.1.33. It will address the way Ignition polls BACnet devices when they are offline.

Thank you Eric in Software Support at Ignition.

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I used the TOPServer BACnet driver.


Thank you for sharing. Hopefully when they release the fix in 8.1.33 there will be no need for others to purchase 3rd party software for BACnet devices.

Can anyone confirm that the bacnet driver for KepServer is working properly ?

Running Ignition Edge 8.1.39, and this is still an issue. Will Inductive Automation ever fix this bug ?

I am currently having that issue right now, it is a production and it is causing delays despite using the system.device.restart which is not always working.

Does anyone have any suggestions on other drivers or method or even an external scripting to use.

As mentioned above, a fix was shipped in 8.1.33 that addressed a similar issue reported to our support team. We'll need more information about the specifics of your issue in order to help, and it might make more sense to open a support ticket.