[BUG] Ignition 8.0.16-RC1 - Scripting.ScriptManager.global - Warning: collision at system.util.*

In the designer, at startup, there are some error ?

10:52:49.362 [Designer-Startup] ERROR Scripting.ScriptManager.global - Warning: collision at system.util.modifyTranslation
10:52:49.362 [Designer-Startup] ERROR Scripting.ScriptManager.global - Warning: collision at system.util.translate
10:52:49.362 [Designer-Startup] ERROR Scripting.ScriptManager.global - Warning: collision at system.util.initialize

I haven’t seen that one happen. Try clearing designer cache and run the designer again. That will blow away your links to all the projects you linked to your designer so I would recommend just moving the cache files to another directory in case it doesn’t fix your problem.

Known bug. Apparently harmless.

Yes indeed.
I try to get rid of all error log at startup in designer, client, gateway scope…

Yes, it’s a known (low-priority) bug, because there are a few places where we ‘shadow’ scripting function implementations to offer better context-specific behavior.