[BUG ?] Ignition 8.1.0 - ticket 16848 solved in 8.0.16 is back in 8.1.0?

@Colby.Clegg, @PGriffith
I’ve upgraded from 8.0.16 to 8.1.0 and in 8.1.0 I think that this issue is back:

16848: Adding new tag() Expression tag to existing UDTDef with instances takes ~25 seconds per instance to complete
Use of the tag() function inside a tag in a UDT can potentially lead to a blocking delay of 30 seconds when the tag is initialized.

Could you please check if 8.1.0 contains this bug fix ?

The fix in question is in place for 8.1.0 and 8.1.1. Are you already in contact with support about this?

I've just filled a ticked : #134045
As a side note : for the same tag file import the designer disconnection from the gateway is about 5-10 minutes instead of 30 minutes as in pre 8.0.16 and there are lee readBlocking error in the gateway logs.