The behavior you unexpectedly encountered -
No designer launch button in gateway browser
No Gateway connection when trying to launch through the designerlauncher.exe
The behavior you were expecting to see -
The designer to open
A list of the steps you took that exposed the issue - including your starting point.
-Doubleclick or otherwise open designerlauncher.exe
– click the ‘Add designer button’
— under the select a gateway screen, other gateways on the network “blink” into existence on the designerlauncher.exe then disappear.
— when I click the manually add gateway button, the window pops up for the http://host:port but the gateway URL is invalid and the button is never clickable.
-(No launch button to click in browser to try)
-Following the “[BUG] Designer is never actually launched” thread also.
-changed designerlauncher.exe logging level to trace (just shows my path and tells me to look here for future logging events)
A list of helpful information about the situation you were in, such as:
Ignition 8.0.0-beta1
Client and gateway java is build 1.8.0_191