[Bug-Resolved] Perspective >> Carousel >> viewParams key starting with 'End ' did not function

‘End Time’ did not work; however, ‘EndTime’, ‘endTime’, and ‘end Time’ all worked.
As such, I believe that ‘End’ is a keyword in a Carousel (did not test other places).

My steps:

  1. Create View ‘A’
  2. Create View ‘B’
  3. Create new variable: B.params.End Time (“End Time”) and set the default value to “Working?”
  4. Place Label in View B.
  5. Bind B.Label.props.text to B.params.End Time
  6. Place Carousel in View A
  7. Set A.Carousel.props.views[0].viewPath to be ‘B’.
  8. Create new Value in A.Carousel.props.views[0].viewParams named “End Time”.
  9. Set A.Carousel.props.views[0].viewParams.End Time to be “Passed”.
  10. Save Project
  11. Navigate To View A

Following these steps, my Carousel rendered in View A shows View B and the Label text reads as “Passed”.
Did you follow different steps? Is there any chance the viewParams key was not actually identical to the View param key?

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My apologies. I must have mistyped something somewhere. Sorry for the extra work.:worried:

No worries - glad it isn’t an issue!