[BUG] TCP driver Inactivity Timeout


We have some tcp-devices we are connecting to. We have noticed at some point the connection is gone, but you can't really see it in the Connected tag, we don't know why that is. To work around it, we have set up an Inactivity Timeout.

The strange thing is that this timeout does perfectly when we test it at 5000ms, but stops doing the right thing when we put it on half an hour (1.800.000ms).

What we expect (and see at 5secs Inactivity Timeout):

  • The Connected tag goes to False and then to True, the other tags go to bad quality for a second. The tag timestamp also get's updated.

What we see at 1.800.000 ms:

  • The connected tag stays on True, but the other tags go to bad quality for a second. The tag timestamp also doesn't get updated.

I can't help to think that this can only be a bug. I'm curious about other opinions and how to fix it. For now my alternative would be to just send a message every 5min so I know there is a connection, but I'd like to just make a proper reconnect so the Connected tag is reliable.

I'm having a simular issue the message value hangs and it will stay that way until I edit and save the driver (reset) then it kicks back in and updates the message. I have the timeout set to 0. I think I will try setting it to 30000 ms.