Build failed for sdk7.7.8

Hi I am trying to compile my module for SDK 7.7.8 on 64 bit version of Ignition 7.7.8. I get following error on build:


C:\Ignition-ModuleSDK-7.7.8\gatewaycomm\Build\build.xml:83: localhost:8088/main/system/Devel … ingServlet

Line 83 of xml is:

I created the module skeleton as NOT FREE check box.

Please help!


could the two issues be related to CD_KEYS which I forgot to initialize? Also for OPC activation there is a separate key required if I remember. Both keys can be generated on line I remember, but there is provision for only one License key activation in Ignition I guess, so whcih key should I enter there? Will the OPC key be valid for developer mode key as well?


Yes the BUILD failed was due to missing Developer License key.
However the OPC Tag read exception from OPC client error still remains!

Is it due to OPC activation License , how to activate the OPC server access from an OPC Client?

I remember there was an option to activate OPC on the Ignition portal somewhere, but that seems to be missing now!

Help will be appreciated.


Got it, even the OPC issue was related to CD_KEY. I retrieved the key from an old mail from Travis Cox and activated it in this version and it worked! I have forgotten steps as I performed these steps after a long time!

Best Regards

The OPC UA key was old, I generated a new one and problem resolved.
