Building a Dynagraph card In Perspective

What would be the recommend control to build out a dynagraph card in Perspective? There are a couple of trends available, I was wondering if anyone had any experience, tips, or suggestions on this topic.

Easysvg is a nice little wrapper to make svg files. Unzip and put in the gateway’s
user-lib/pylib/site-packages folder. You may need to restart your designer afterwards. (6.7 KB)

Sample view. (51.0 KB)

	import ast, math, easysvg, base64
	def roundup(value):
		''' Round value up to next 100 '''
		return int(math.ceil(float(value)/100) * 100)
	dataIn = self.getSibling("Table")	
	xIn= dataIn.getColumnAsList(0)
	yIn= dataIn.getColumnAsList(1)

	maxX = roundup(max(xIn))
	maxY = roundup(max(yIn))
	padding = 200
	gridSpacing = 100
	# create graphic 
	svg = easysvg.SvgGenerator()
	# set graphic size
	svg.begin(roundup(max(xIn))+2*padding, roundup(max(yIn))+2*padding)
	for x in range(0, maxX + gridSpacing, gridSpacing):
		# draw grid line
		# draw axis value
		svg.text(str(x), 0, 0, font_size=50, anchor = 'start', alignment_baseline='middle', transform =  'translate(' + str(x+padding) + ',' + str(maxY+padding+10)+') rotate(90)')
	for y in range(0, maxY + gridSpacing, gridSpacing):
		# draw grid line
		# draw axis value
		svg.text(str(y), padding-10, y+padding, font_size=50, anchor = 'end', alignment_baseline='middle')
	for x1, y1, x2, y2 in zip(xIn, yIn, xIn[1:], yIn[1:]):
		# draw data line
		svg.line(x1+padding, y1+padding, x2+padding, y2+padding, stroke_width=2)
	# finish graphic
	# display image
	self.getSibling("Image").props.source = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + base64.b64encode(svg.get_svg())

This is perfect! Thank you very much!

Is it possible to scale the grid so that it always fits the boundaries of the component? Our numbers in the dataset for example are; 'x' max is 200 and 'y' is 27,000. This causes a thin vertical drawing that can barely be read. I tried adjusting some of the script to see what could scale it properly, but had no luck.

Also, what can be done to make 'y' start at 0 from the bottom instead of the top?

The biggest thing is to scale the values into something more manageable for the graph.

	import ast, math, easysvg, base64
	def roundup(value):
		''' Round value up to next 100 '''
		return int(math.ceil(float(value)/10) * 10)
	scaleY = 100.0
	dataIn = self.getSibling("Table")	
	xIn= dataIn.getColumnAsList(0)
	yIn= [y/scaleY for y in dataIn.getColumnAsList(1)]

	maxX = roundup(max(xIn))
	maxY = roundup(max(yIn))
	padding = 40	
	gridSpacing = 10
	# create graphic 
	svg = easysvg.SvgGenerator()
	# set graphic size
	svg.begin(roundup(max(xIn))+2*padding, roundup(max(yIn))+2*padding)
	for x in range(0, maxX + gridSpacing, gridSpacing):
		# draw grid line
		# draw axis value
		svg.text(str(x), 0, 0, font_size=10, anchor = 'start', alignment_baseline='middle', transform =  'translate(' + str(x+padding) + ',' + str(maxY+padding+10)+') rotate(90)')
	for y in range(0, maxY + gridSpacing, gridSpacing):
		# draw grid line
		# draw axis value
		svg.text(str(int((maxY-y)*scaleY)), padding-10, y+padding, font_size=10, anchor = 'end', alignment_baseline='middle')
	for x1, y1, x2, y2 in zip(xIn, yIn, xIn[1:], yIn[1:]):
		# draw data line
		svg.line(x1+padding, (maxY-y1)+padding, x2+padding, (maxY-y2)+padding, stroke_width=2)
	# finish graphic
	# display image
	self.getSibling("Image").props.source = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + base64.b64encode(svg.get_svg())


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Thanks, I was able to make some sense of it before your response, but that helps me see which ones are scaling. By making some minor adjustments, I was able to make it work better.

I'm currently trying to adjust it so that it starts at a certain number instead of 0. It will take some playing around to do, but I should be able to get there.

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