Building from Maven Archetype - module.xml parse error

I’m building some webservices for Ignition 8.0, and I am using maven and building from the archetypes. Everything builds correctly, and an unsigned modl file is created. When I attempt to install the module, I get an error that there was a problem parsing the module.xml file. I’ve looked at that file, and it looks fine to me.
Any ideas about what I might try to isolate/find/fix this error?


Can you share the error?

Sure - I’ll also add the modules.xml file.

java.lang.Exception: Exception parsing “module.xml”

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.modules.ModuleManagerImpl.parseModuleInfo(

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.modules.ModuleManagerImpl.extractModuleInfo(

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.web.pages.config.ModuleInstallPage.eulaCertCheck(

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.web.pages.config.ModuleInstallPage$1.onSubmitInternal(

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.web.components.CsrfPreventingForm.onSubmit(

at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form$9.component(

at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form$9.component(

at org.apache.wicket.util.visit.Visits.visitPostOrderHelper(

at org.apache.wicket.util.visit.Visits.visitPostOrder(

at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.delegateSubmit(

at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.process(

at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.onFormSubmitted(

at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.onFormSubmitted(

at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)

at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

at org.apache.wicket.RequestListenerInterface.internalInvoke(

at org.apache.wicket.RequestListenerInterface.invoke(

at org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler.invokeListener(

at org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.ListenerInterfaceRequestHandler.respond(

at org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle$HandlerExecutor.respond(

at org.apache.wicket.request.RequestHandlerStack.execute(

at org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle.execute(

at org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle.processRequest(

at org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle.processRequestAndDetach(

at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter.processRequest(

at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter.doFilter(

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.bootstrap.GatewayFilter.doFilter(

at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(

at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(


at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(

at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doScope(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.RewriteHandler.handle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerList.handle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerCollection.handle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle(

at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable(




at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.doProduce(

at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.EatWhatYouKill.produce(


at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.ReservedThreadExecutor$

at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(

at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$

at java.base/ Source)

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid version: “1.0”

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.model.Version.(

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.model.Version.parse(

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.modules.ModuleInfoParser.endElement(

at java.xml/ Source)

at java.xml/ Source)

at java.xml/$ Source)

at java.xml/ Source)

at java.xml/ Source)

at java.xml/ Source)

at java.xml/ Source)

at java.xml/ Source)

at java.xml/ Source)

at java.xml/$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)

at com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.modules.ModuleInfoParser.fromXML(

And the modules.xml file:


IgnitionWebService Ignition Module

IgnitionWebService Ignition Module












And while pasting in the error, I see something I didn’t see before: It’s complaining about the Version 1.0 tag for the module version.

Change your version to be 3 digits: 1.0.0 or 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

I just tried that and that worked, however, now I’ve got a problem with getting into developer mode. I think my ignition.conf file is from 7.9.x and doesn’t work with 8.0.

The only developer mode we have any more is adding -Dignition.allowunsignedmodules=true to your ignition.conf so unsigned modules will run.

Right - thanks so much for all your help!

Now if I could just remember how to get the wsdl file from the webservice. I’ve done this before, and it worked very well, I just can’t remember where to get that file from.

Still looking for the URL of the wsdl defining the webservice. Anyone know where to find it?

What web service are you talking about?

The webservice I built using the maven archetype for the ignitionsdk. I built this once before and had created an application to query the webservice for tag names and was able to subscribe to the tags and get values in real time in other java applications by calling the web service. I just can’t remember how to find the wsdl for the webservice to build a webservice client.

If you built a SOAP webservice in a module, then you would need to be the one to generate the wsdl. It’s possible the Java library you’re using to build the SOAP webservice does this automatically, so that would be the documentation to check. The Ignition platform itself doesn’t have SOAP or .wsdl generation, so that’s entirely outside of anything that the SDK provides.

As a sidenote, the Sepasoft Web Services module can host SOAP endpoints and generates a .wsdl for you, but that’s the only module that we sell on our website for Ignition that has anything to do with .wsdl’s.

Thanks for your reply. When I deploy the module, which starts up with no problem, one of the messages I get when I turn up the logging level is this:
Mounting routes for module “com.lamtec.IgnitionWebService” under /main/data/com.lamtec.IgnitionWebService/*

What does this tell me? Should I be able to communicate with the webservice through this url?