Bulk Alarm Management

I've successfully figured out how to bulk import alarms into existing ignition tags, but I'm struggling with bulk deletion of alarms. I have these two functions below which i call with the following command:


# Function to delete alarms for a given tag path
def deleteAlarms(tagPath):
    # Get the tag configuration
    tagConfig = system.tag.getConfiguration(tagPath, True)
    # Check if the tag has alarm configurations
    if 'alarms' in tagConfig[0]:
        # Print the alarms that will be deleted
        print "Deleting alarms for tag: " + tagPath
        for alarm in tagConfig[0]['alarms']:
            print "  Alarm: " + alarm['name']

        # Remove all alarms from the tag configuration
        tagConfig[0]['alarms'] = []
        print tagConfig
        # Write the updated configuration back to the tag
        system.tag.configure(tagPath, tagConfig, 'o')

# Function to delete all alarms for a given site ID
def deleteSiteAlarms(siteId):
	# Define the path to the tag folder
	tagFolderPath = "[default]Edge Nodes/TAGS01/"+ siteId + "/tags/"

	# Get the list of tags under the specified folder
	tags = system.tag.browse(tagFolderPath, {'tagType':'AtomicTag','recursive':True})
	# Iterate through each tag in the folder
	for tag in tags.getResults():
	    # Get the full tag path
	    fullTagPath = tag['fullPath']
	    # Check if the tag is an AtomicTag and has alarms
        if 'attributes' in tag and 'alarm' in tag['attributes']:

However, no matter what I do the, the system.tag.configure function does not seem to be removing the alarm configuration from the existing tags. The script runs with no errors and no errors in the output console.

I've tried both fully removing the 'alarms' key from the json and leaving the 'alarms' key in but empty. Neither seems to work.

Any help here is greatly appreciated.

Realized I was using the configure script slightly wrong. This works for Memory tags, but does not appear to work for MQTT Engine sparkplug tags. For some reason the script will not detect the alarm attributes.

# Function to delete alarms for a given tag path
def deleteAlarms(tagPath):
    # Get the tag configuration
    tagConfig = system.tag.getConfiguration(tagPath, True)
    print tagConfig
    # Check if the tag has alarm configurations
    if 'alarms' in tagConfig[0]:
        # Print the alarms that will be deleted
        print "Deleting alarms for tag: " + tagPath
        for alarm in tagConfig[0]['alarms']:
            print "  Alarm: " + alarm['name']

        # Remove all alarms from the tag configuration
        # Determine Parent Folder Path
        folderPath = tagPath[:tagPath.rfind('/')]
        # Write the updated configuration back to the tag
        system.tag.configure(folderPath, tagConfig, 'o')

# Function to delete all alarms for a given site ID
def deleteSiteAlarms(siteId):
	# Define the path to the tag folder
	tagFolderPath = "[default]Edge Nodes/TAGS01/"+ siteId + "/tags/"

	# Get the list of tags under the specified folder
	tags = system.tag.browse(tagFolderPath, {'tagType':'AtomicTag','recursive':True})
	# Iterate through each tag in the folder
	for tag in tags.getResults():
	    # Get the full tag path
	    fullTagPath = tag['fullPath']
	    # Check if the tag has alarms
        if 'attributes' in tag:
            for attr in tag['attributes']:
                if 'alarm' in attr: