Im trying to make a burndown chart on ignition, but can find any suitable component. I make a workaround using a regular chart and a white stacked coloumn, but that have issues aswell. Box and whiskers might be a solution, but the median is bugging me. Anyone who found a good way og making one, similar to this
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Is it because the gridlines are hidden by the white bars? If so, you should be able to adjust the opacity of the color.
That helped on the looks, thx. I was just wondering if there were a more suitable solution that didnt require alot og math and tag binding to where the next bar should start/stop, but its doable with this.
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If you can post a sample raw dataset and an end result dataset, I can probably help out with optimizing what you have.
Was also going to say that if this is coming from a database, we may be able to tweak the query to just give you the end result dataset. Let the db do the heavy lifting.