Call opc-ua method

Hi all,
I try to send a file to a machine with opc-ua method.
the method is:
Method node “WriteProgram“: To transfer a program from client → machine
BrowseName = “/ProgramAdministration/WriteProgram“
DisplayName = “WriteProgram“

Input argument DataType Description
Level Uint16 integer ( 0 / 1)
Write machine program integer ( 0 / 1)
Write robot program integer ( 0 / 1)
Write configurable pages integer ( 0 / 1)
Program ByteString Zipped program file to download <<------------>>

My code is:
filePath = ‘/appli/’ //read data from file
fileName = “”
file = open(filePath+fileName, “rb”)
v_data =
result = system.opcua.callMethod( “M028783”, “ns=2;i=399860”, “ns=2;i=399790”,[1, 1, 0, 0,v_data ] /

result:((2158690304L, u’Bad_InvalidArgument’, u’One or more arguments are invalid.’), [(0L, u’Good’, u’Good; unspecified.’), (0L, u’Good’, u’Good; unspecified.’), (0L, u’Good’, u’Good; unspecified.’), (0L, u’Good’, u’Good; unspecified.’), (2158690304L, u**‘Bad_InvalidArgument’, u’One or more arguments are invalid.’)], )**

someone can help me to understand this issue?

Is this your coworker or something?

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thanks. I installed in dev env ignition 8.1.12 but it has some problem to open opc-ua connection… I’m waiting a response from the support