Call up report from another report


I am developing a report that I would like to be able to select an item on the report and pull up another "detail" report. Has anyone done anything like this? I am curious what options exist to do it.


This topic might work for you (linking to other Perspective pages with details, via report or otherwise):

Kind of an old post, so might have bit rotted. @PGriffith will likely chime in...

Actually, further down in that topic is this bit of good news:

I don't recall ever seeing that.

Thanks Phil. I am looking to have this function from within the Perspective Session. We do not have plans to export reports to PDF. I see two options here.

  1. Instead of using a report, use a table to display SQL data for report and add double click to table to call up detail popup. This would require some scripting and views, but I feel would be a relatively small amount of effort.
    2.Utilize a nested query in the report and an additional table. Caveat here is that I would like a way to "hide" it on the report.
