I'm investigating the possibility of writing an OSK extension for chrome to use with Perspective. Is there any way that an extension would be able to read the min/max values for a numeric entry field? does that information make it into the browser, or is that all server-side?
What part of the html did you find that in? It looks a lot different than what i was seeing.
Oops thats that was a custom component.
My bad seems its not in the html itself...
You could acces it through the client and read the props though.
If you have a click event from the input. yuo can find the "main" element that has a 'data-component-path' property. which you can use to find the view and after that to find its child component and props
const view = [...window.__client.page.views._data.values()].find(view => view.value.mountPath == this.closest('[data-component-path]').getAttributeNode('data-component-path').value.split('.')[0]).value;
(i used the path directly here in the console script as i dont have an event setup)
If you found the component you can request it props.
You'll have to write something smart to find the correct child with the addressPathString
yourself though ;p Its gonna get a bit harder with embeded views too i if i remember correctly(i dont remeber if my view selector handles it already or not)