Can I synch the PLCs clock to the computer?

Mark 28JUN05 - My AB SLC 5/04 isn’t smart enough to set its clock for Daylight Savings. Windows automatically keeps the PCs clock up to date. Is there any way to synchronize the two?

shechtman 28JUN05 - One way would be to run scheduled items in FactorySQL. These would run queries once a day to read the system time via SQL commands. MM, DD, YYYY, HH, MM, SS could each be written back to the database (result of each individual query). Now with the system time in the database you could map these back to the PLC using the DB to OPC mode.

This is just one way. With a little more thought there would probably be a more elegant way to accomplish this.

Colby.Clegg 29JUN05 - It may be simplier to make the queries that select your time components SQL items in a normal group instead of scheduled items. You can write the result of an SQL item directly back to a PLC address (use CTRL-Space in the “field name” field on the sql item config window), so if you add your PLC registers to your group as read-only items, you can then write directly to them, and cut out the middle save to the database.

I hope this makes sense!

Colby Clegg
Software Engineer
Inductive Automation