Can I use Maker Edition for a cloud demo for my business?

Can I use Maker Edition for a azure cloud demo for my business without violating any licensing?

From the Maker Edition FAQ:

Since Ignition Maker Edition is only available for use in non-commercial settings, it cannot be used for business case demos. Not only does Maker Edition not showcase the full Ignition toolset, but it does not replicate the launch experience of Ignition. If you have questions about setting up a public or customer demo, please reach out to your sales representative.

Thanks for the information, good to know!

Agreed with whoever said Maker Edition isn't the best fit for a business demo. It's like showing up to a pitch meeting with a prototype held together with duct tape – not exactly confidence-inspiring, right?

Now, I'm no consultant (though those workflow wizards are pretty impressive), but I'd imagine a cloud-based demo showcasing Ignition's full range of features would be a game-changer. It lets you paint a clear picture of the system's capabilities without getting bogged down in technicalities.

Plus, a slick demo can really "wow" potential clients. Think about it – a seamless cloud experience showing real-time data and automation magic? That's a surefire way to get their attention.