Can you get the amount of tags tied to a tag group?


As the title says can you somehow see how many tags is connected to a tag group?

I know I could browse all my tags and count the amount of tags in each tag group, but I was hoping for a more readily available method.


The tag report tool should be able to do this.

Hey Esn,

I was looking to do the same quickly to see where my bottlenecks are, see the below:

provider = ''
path = 'Modules/AnalogueInput/*'

query = {
  "options": {
    "includeUdtMembers": True,
    "includeUdtDefinitions": False
  "condition": {
    "path": path,
    "tagType": "AtomicTag",
    "attributes": {
      "values": [],
      "requireAll": True
  "returnProperties": [

results = system.tag.query(provider, query)

# If the tag group already exists, add one, if not, add to dict with a count of one
tagGroupCount = {}
for result in results:
	tagGroup = result['tagGroup']
	if tagGroup in tagGroupCount:
		tagGroupCount[tagGroup] += 1
		tagGroupCount[tagGroup] = 1
# Max string length for displaying neatly
max_length = max(len(result) for result in tagGroupCount)	

# Print the results
print "Tag Group" + " " * (max_length - 7) + "Count"
print "-" * (max_length + 12)
for tagGroup, count in tagGroupCount.items():
    print tagGroup + " " * (max_length - len(tagGroup) + 2) + str(count)

Gives a neat output:

Tag Group          Count
Parameters 1       2500
Alarm Detail 1     7000
Settings 1         500
State 1            750
Feedback 1         500
Inputs 1           250
Status 1           2250
Alarm Status 1     1750
Overrides          1250
Alarm Query Tag 1  10500
Detail 1           750
Requests 1         1750

No judging on the code. Thanks!
