Cannot connect OPC server for browser

We are in process of upgrading our server from windows 2003 to windows 2008 r2. In Old server we are able to communicate with remote OPC server without any issue whereas in new we are unable to do it and it is giving us error (refer to err 1 ) also there is error in FSQL log viewer () . I believe that this problem may be related to OPC enum but i have tried every possible setting in opC enum but still no use.

If anyone has any ideas please assist.


One thing both OPC server and FSQL is windows 2008 r2 64 bit. and i want to know is there any 64 bit FSQL ?

Judging by the actual error, I’d say it’s either a DCOM permissions issue or a firewall settings issue.

On the same system we have used Advosol OPC test client and it is working fine .

On same system i have installed 32 bit and 64 bit core component . is it possible i can force my applications to use only 32 bit component or 64 bit.

In dcom setting i can see there is two OPC enum one is OPC enum and opc enum *64 category manager.

Do we need tyo do same settings for both ?

That’s certainly a good place to start. Kepware has a good document on DCOM settings, including Server 2008.

Keep in mind that FSQL has not had any updates since 2009. While I haven’t actually heard of any, there may be an issue trying to run FSQL natively on a 64-bit system. Others can chime in here So, some other avenues to try:

– Use an OPC Tunneler like Matrikon’s to bypass all DCOM issues
– Run FSQL in a virtual machine.
– Upgrade to Igniton

Believe me when I say I understand the frustrations that can arise from trying to keep legacy software (and hardware, for that matter) running well in a more modern architecture.