Can't convert Active, Unacknowledged to java.lang.String

I am getting this error when I try to get the value of current alarm status based on some filter using system.alarm.queryStatus function. Is there any way to convert Java string result into normal text/string?

Script Starts

props = [(“Group”, “=”, “Plant A”)]
state = [“ClearUnacked”, “ActiveUnacked”, “ActiveAcked”]
priority = [1,2,3,4]

lblState = “”
lblPriority = 0
numState = 0

c_alarms = system.alarm.queryStatus(any_properties = props, state = state,priority = ‘Critical’)
h_alarms = system.alarm.queryStatus(any_properties = props, state = state,priority = ‘High’)
m_alarms = system.alarm.queryStatus(any_properties = props, state = state,priority = ‘Medium’)
l_alarms = system.alarm.queryStatus(any_properties = props, state = state,priority = ‘Low’)

if len(m_alarms) > 0:
for m_alarm in m_alarms:
lblState = m_alarm.state
lblPriority = 2

event.source.parent.getComponent(‘lblState’).text = lblState
event.source.parent.getComponent(‘numlblPriority’).value = lblPriority

Script Ends

I am getting this error for lblState

Did you try to convert the AlarmState object to string str(malarm.state) as suggested by the Documentation

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Hello Chi,
Thank you very much. It works now.

Also, you should put your code inside a preformatted text block so your code is readable

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