Can't edit style property on time series chart?

I’m trying to edit the x-trace font. Nothing seems to be taking effect if I change the color or font family:

“visible”: true,
“infoBox”: {
“visible”: true,
“showTime”: true,
“width”: 400,
“dataFormat”: “0,0.##”,
“stroke”: {
“color”: “”,
“width”: 1,
“opacity”: 0.5,
“dashArray”: 0
“fill”: {
“color”: “”,
“opacity”: 0.9
“style”: {
“classes”: “”,
“color”: “#000000”,
“fontFamily”: “Arial”
“line”: {
“visible”: true,
“color”: “”,
“width”: 1,
“opacity”: 0.5,
“dashArray”: 0,
“style”: {
“classes”: “”

I am thinking this is something that just needs to be patched in?

Yes, right now we don’t have style properties that target the date/time text of the xtrace display. You can only style the vertical line and the box. I recall a feature request being opened for this, but if not, I will open one.

same problem for the xy chart here.can't change the font family

Bumping this topic, on a grey background it can’t be seen at all.

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This isn’t available through component properties at the moment, but this can be done through theming. Below is a CSS snippet you’ll need to add to a style overrides file. Note that !important is needed to override the style applied at the library level until these are exposed via component props:

.ia_timeSeriesChartComponent__labelText {
    fill: blue !important;

Theme files are in the gateway’s install directory: %installDirectory%\data\modules\com.inductiveautomation.perspective\themes\... . Check out the file in that directory. The last two sections in the file talk about making modifications to themes or building custom ones.

As an aside… We did open a ticket recently to add the ability to style the x-trace text via component properties.

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Close, but not the text I wanted to change. image

The code above changes the colour of the text marked B, I want to change the colour of the text marked A. What’s the CSS selector for that text?

Edit: I found it, if you’re looking to change that colour its:

.ia_timeMarker text {
    fill: black !important;
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