Can't get a simple momentary pushbutton to change the bit of a tag on the PLC side

I just want to use a momentary button to change the bit for a tag in the plc. I can confirm that pressing the button changes the state of the control value for the momentary button from 0 to 1 as well as setting the control value to be bidirectional. But it does not change the bit for the tag on the plc. I forced the bit on the tag in the plc and the control value for the button changes state so I do not know what I am doing wrong.

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Can you show us how your tag is configured and how you are trying to write to the bit? Also are you sure that there is noting in the plc also writing to this bit/tag?

Sorry about the late response, I want the button to be configured so that when I click on it, it will activate the bit for a few seconds.

In the plc side, the only thing that can change the bit for the tag is a start pushbutton and nothing else can change it.

Momentary pushbuttons, by definition, turn on when pressed, and off when released. Ignition has no "pulse" option, but Vision momentary buttons do have minimum hold time, which approximates this.

However, be aware that Ignition uses TCP/IP both for Vision client communications to the gateway, and for driver communication from gateway to PLC. Any comms hiccup can prevent the release message from reaching the PLC, or seriously delay it. Your PLC should have logic to deal with that.

Even better would be to use a standard button that only writes the "1" to the bit, and let the PLC turn it off after the desired pulse width.

(Search this forum for "momentary" and/or "stuck" for numerous, sometimes heated discussions of this phenomenon.)

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