Can't get available Designer memory past 910MB

Using version 7.8.1. In the lower right of my designer is the used/available memory. It only shows 910MB available and when I’m doing reports a lot of it gets chewed up and crashes.

I’ve gone into the Gateway Settings and set the available designer memory to 4GB (tried 2GB too), but it seems to be stuck at 1GB. I’ve restarted the service after making changes, but nothing seems to move it.

Is this a display problem or am I truly capped at 910MB?

If you’re running 32-bit Java, you’re actually capped at 1536mb. If you want to allocate more, you need to make sure you’re using 64-bit Java.

(and that you actually have enough memory available)

I was running 64 bit Java on a laptop with 32GB RAM, so i should be good there.
I just did a Java update to 8.0.73 (uninstalled old versions) and still no change in the available RAM.

[quote=“Kraenbring”]I was running 64 bit Java on a laptop with 32GB RAM, so i should be good there.
I just did a Java update to 8.0.73 (uninstalled old versions) and still no change in the available RAM.[/quote]

After changing the available memory setting and restarting the designer? You may need to re-download the JNLP after changing the memory setting.

Has anyone confirmed a solution for this? I have just given the Gateway an increase in memory from 2GB to 4GB, and decided to boost the Designer memory cap from 1GB to 1.5GB.

However it still is only showing an available 910mb on the bottom right hand corner of the designer.
I have tried:

  1. Restarting Ignition Gateway
  2. Re-downloading the Designer jnlp file
  3. Clearing local cache data on computer that i’m opening Ignition Designer from. (.igniton folder)
  4. Checking that java installed is 64bit.

Still no luck.