Here is my version information and current settings:
- Ignition Platform : 8.1.23
- OPC-UA Module 9.1.23
- Vision Modle 11.1.23
- OpcComModule 6.1.23
- Windows 10 Operating System
- TwinCat 3 PLC
Ignition OPC Client Gateway Settings
- Connected to OPC Server as authenticated user
- Client Connection Enabled
- Read only disabled
UA Expert
I can read and write to integer arrays from UA Expert without issue. I wrote an 8 to Write_Array[0] as a test and the write was successful.
Similar thread with same issue
My Issue
I want to write to a single bit in an integer array. The array I am using is published on the OPC server as "External Read/Write".
My HMI background is predominantly FactoryTalk, VTScada, DeltaV, etc. In those programs I'll usually setup an integer array that I can write both integer and bits for various functions and parameters such as push buttons, settings, etc.
I've recreated what I would normally do in Ignition, however I can't write any integer value to the specified array index. For example, I have Write_Array[0] and trying to write anything returns the following:
[Bad("Bad_WriteNotSupported: The server not does support writing the combination of value.")]
Attempt 1: Binding numeric text field to tag
I've tried multiple solutions. Binding the tag to the control or value property does not work. See below where I attempt to write a 2 to a numeric text field.
Attempt 2: Writing to tag using scripting
Next I applied the solution from the linked thread above with scripting. I have a template for a pushbutton with a custom property for a bit and word. Binding a property to a tag doesn't work. So I've hardcoded the array and index that I'm writing to.
Here's the result after the clicking the button:
I've tested multiple solutions and I'm not sure what the issue could be. I can write to tags that are single booleans or integers no problem. For whatever reason I can't write to an array. Any help would be appreciated.