Capture Key Press and Do something if it is a enter key

I apologize if the answer is already on here but I did a pretty good search.

if I change the number and then hit enter I want to popup and ask Yes, No then proceed or exit.

def runAction(self, event):
	system.perspective.print(message='Key ' + event.keyCode + event.key, destination="all")
	self.session.custom.newSequenceNumber = event.keyCode
	if event.key == '\n':
		system.perspective.openPopup("messageBox",'ChangeSequence',  title='Key ' + event.keyCode + event.key, showCloseIcon = True)
		system.perspective.openPopup("messageBox",'ChangeSequence',  title='Key ' + event.keyCode + event.key, showCloseIcon = True)
		#system.perspective.openPopup("messageBox",'Popups/MessageBox', params = {'message':self.getSibling("TextField").props.text})

So I have this Table that I want to run this script on but want to ask yes or no to first.
I am have problems opening popup or even printing to console's

||def get_sequence_values(data):|
||    return [data.getValueAt(row, 'Sequence') for row in range(data.getRowCount())]|
||    |
||def get_sorted_indices(sequence_values):|
||    return sorted(range(len(sequence_values)), key=lambda k: sequence_values[k])|
||    |
||def get_row_values(data, row_index):|
||    return [data.getValueAt(row_index, col) for col in range(data.getColumnCount())]|
||def swap_rows(data, row_index1, row_index2):|
||    if 0 <= row_index1 < data.getRowCount() and 0 <= row_index2 < data.getRowCount():|
||        if row_index1 != row_index2:|
||            row1_values = get_row_values(data, row_index1)|
||            row2_values = get_row_values(data, row_index2)|
||            # Delete the row with the higher index first|
||            if row_index1 < row_index2:|
||                data = system.dataset.deleteRow(data, row_index2)|
||                data = system.dataset.deleteRow(data, row_index1)|
||                data = system.dataset.insertRow(data, row_index1, row2_values)|
||                data = system.dataset.insertRow(data, row_index2, row1_values)|
||            else:|
||                data = system.dataset.deleteRow(data, row_index1)|
||                data = system.dataset.deleteRow(data, row_index2)|
||                data = system.dataset.insertRow(data, row_index2, row1_values)|
||                data = system.dataset.insertRow(data, row_index1, row2_values)|
||    return data|
||def adjust_sequence_values(data):|
||    for row in range(data.getRowCount()):|
||        data = system.dataset.setValue(data, row, 'Sequence', row + 1)|
||    return data|
||newValue = event.value|
||columnName = event.column|
||data =|
||maxSequence = max(get_sequence_values(data))|
||if columnName == 'Sequence' and newValue is not None:|
||    if newValue <= maxSequence:|
||        originalSequenceValues = get_sequence_values(data)|
||        newData = system.dataset.setValue(data, event.row, columnName, newValue)|
||        newRowIndex = originalSequenceValues.index(newValue)|
||        if newRowIndex != event.row:|
||            newData = swap_rows(newData, event.row, newRowIndex)|
||            newData = adjust_sequence_values(newData)|
||   = newData|

I think this sort of thing is a lot easier to do when you make your editable columns into embedded views. If you're unfamiliar with that process, I have a video on it

Ultimately, with an embedded view you can forget about keyboard events altogether and either use an onActionPerformed event or a change script on the component to open a confirmation popup after the field is edited.