Was trying to use a case statement to bind the state of a couple tags to a display on our HMI. However, I am getting the error seen in the Line 1 EOB Case Statement Error picture. I'm not quite sure why its acting like that default value is a tag, could I get some help/an explanation of what I am doing wrong here?
You're passing the values incorrectly.
Syntax can be found here:
Do you mind elaborating on that a bit further? I believe I had used that user manual syntax previously, and re-copy and pasted that syntax for the case statement, but am still getting that error.
You are in the tag binding, and you are returning a tag path to a tag [default]-1, which is not found.
To expand on @andrew.budaiev:
The tag binding, in expression mode (what you have) is evaluating your supplied expression in order to return a tag path.
What you want is to take what you have and drop it into the top level expression binding type. Somewhat confusingly, you're able to read tags within expression bindings just fine - the expression mode of a tag binding is just a more powerful way to make a (possibly bidirectional!) indirect tag binding.
Ahh, that makes sense! Looks like I got it now, thank y'all all for the help!
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My apologies, I believe I have corrected that, and will keep that in mind for the future.