I am trying to cast a tag (float)value to a string inside of an expression within my component. If there is a null value, then the value should display "N/A". I am wrapping my value in the toStr() function to convert the value first. Then I have tried using both != None and None in my expression and I am getting 0.00 for the values still. Can anyone provide suggestions on how to resolve this?
Can you show us a (nicely cropped) screen shot of your tag as it appears in Tag Browser along with the binding editor screen showing the Binding Preview results at the bottom.?
I tried that too but im still getting 0.00 as the value that is being returned...
Ahhh....I just realized that whoever created the template used numeric labels, so this is more than likely why I cant cast the float values to a string.
Well, if the component you are using the expression on is actually a NumericLabel, then even if you did cast it to a string, it would just try to cast it back to a float again.
Put the expressions on a standard label and then see what happens.
If you're still not able to get it, then provide the information requested by @Transistor and @PGriffith