We use Auth0 via OIDC as our IDP for our project. We require email verification, and when you attempt to login without a verified email, auth0 rejects the login.
When logging in, I see I get redirected to <gateway>/data/federate/callback/oidc?error=access_denied&error_description=Please%20verify%20your%20email%20before%20logging%20in.&state=asdf
which the immediately redirects me back to the login screen. However, no message or anything is displayed here or anywhere during the process.
I see it gets logged as
Caused by: com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.auth.web.strategy.WebAuthStrategyException: Unable to parse the web auth response from the HTTP request URI: com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.auth.oidc.error.OIDCError@44c478ef[error=access_denied,error_description=Please verify your email before logging in.,error_uri=<null>,state=asdf]
Can I capture, or otherwise display for user feedback, info about login failures?