Hello everyone,
For an application, I am trying to change the color of individual cells in the “names” column based on its results.
I am not able to find a good way to do it and would appreciate your kind help.
Thank you!
Hello everyone,
For an application, I am trying to change the color of individual cells in the “names” column based on its results.
I am not able to find a good way to do it and would appreciate your kind help.
Thank you!
you'd have to put a transform script like this in the data prop
Thank you very much, @victordcq and @cmallonee!
I followed the code below. It worked for the whole row, however, it did not work for the individual cell:
output_json = []
style_red = {"backgroundColor": "#FF0000"}
style_green = {"backgroundColor": "#00AA00", "fontWeight": "bold", "fontSize": 35}
style_yellow = {"backgroundColor": "#FFFF00"}
for row in range(value.getRowCount()):
row_object = {}
row_value = {}
row_style = {}
for col in range(value.getColumnCount()):
row_value[value.getColumnName(col)] = value.getValueAt(row, col)
row_object['value'] = row_value
if value.getValueAt(row, col) == value.getValueAt(4, 0):
row_style = style_green
row_object['style'] = row_style
return output_json
This is my table:
I tried the following scripts, but none of them worked for individual cells:
The 1st version:
output_json = []
style_red = {"backgroundColor": "red"}
style_green = {"backgroundColor": "green"}
for row in range(value.getRowCount()):
row_object = {}
for col in range(value.getColumnCount()):
if value.getColumnName(col) == 'names':
if value.getValueAt(row, col)=='Flash'
cell_style= style_red
elif value.getValueAt(row, col)=='pass'
cell_style= style_green
return output_json
The 2nd version:
output_json = []
style_red = {"backgroundColor": "red"}
style_green = {"backgroundColor": "green"}
for row in range(value.getRowCount()):
row_object = {}
for col in value.getColumnNames():
if col == 'names':
if value.getValueAt(row, col)=='Flash'
cell_style= style_red
elif value.getValueAt(row, col)=='pass'
cell_style= style_green
return output_json
Am I doing something wrong here?
I get configuration error "parse error in script transform"
You are missing an ':' after the if checking Flash and pass
You are correct! Nice catch!
I have not even seen that!!!
However, I cannot see any colors in my table now. I tried both scripts.
It should be red on “Flash” cell and green on the “pass” cell.
I tried the following code for “ref_vac_result_id” column and it worked, but same code does not work for the “names” column:
output_json = []
style_red = {"backgroundColor": "#FF0000"}
style_green = {"backgroundColor": "#00AA00", "fontWeight": "bold", "fontSize": 35}
for row in range(value.getRowCount()):
row_object = {}
for col in value.getColumnNames():
if col == 'ref_vac_result_id':
if value.getValueAt(row, col)==2:
cell_style= style_red
elif value.getValueAt(row, col)==4:
cell_style= style_green
return output_json
I realized the problem.
The text “Flash” in the table was “Flash…spaces…” with a lot of spaces in front of it. That is why I could not see any colors.
Thank you for your help AS ALWAYS, @victordcq!
No problem:)
You could use .strip() to remove leading and trailing spaces value.getValueAt(row,col).strip()
It might be a good idea to do that before you save the values into the database too
or wherever you get those values from
Great information! Thank you very much, Victor!
I tried the same code for one of the table but it is not working as shown below:
output_json = []
`Preformatted text`style_red = {"backgroundColor": "#FF0000"}
style_green = {"backgroundColor": "#00AA00"}
for row in range(value.getRowCount()):
row_object = {}
for col in value.getColumnNames():
if col == 'Bin1PalletFillStatus':
if value.getValueAt(row, col)>0:
cell_style= style_red
elif value.getValueAt(row, col)==0:
cell_style= style_green
return output_json
Could you copy props.data
and either paste it here or send it to me as a private message? Do you have any styling applied to the column as a whole? Examine props.columns[2]
for any styling.