Cell color related to content in Ignition Perspective


I have defined some background colors in Ignition Perspective:

Now I trying to use this background colors in some cells depending on the content:
so I using Expression in that column style field:

  "ADECUADO", "background_adequate",
  "TRIVIAL", "background_trivial",
  "TOLERABLE", "background_tolerable",
  "MODERADO", "background_moderate",
  "IMPORTANTE", "background_important",
  "INTOLERABLE", "background_intolerable",

but seem is not working, any idea how to do this?

You have used case syntax in a switch expression. The case syntax is easier to read so change switch to case.

I think you need to include the path to the style definition too.

  "ADECUADO",    "TablaPRL/background_adequate",
  "TRIVIAL",     "TablaPRL/background_trivial",
  "TOLERABLE",   "TablaPRL/background_tolerable",
  "MODERADO",    "TablaPRL/background_moderate",
  "IMPORTANTE",  "TablaPRL/background_important",
  "INTOLERABLE", "TablaPRL/background_intolerable",
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Also, your binding needs to supply an object with key/value pairs. Did you intend to bind to a color key within styles, perhaps?

my bindings now should link to background_color withing styles

You can put the expression binding on style.classes.


Did you get this solved? I don't think you can set cell colors dynamically from the column's style properties. You need to either:

  • Render the column as a view, and configure that view with a background-color binding based on the incoming view.params.value


  • Transform the props.data property to return each cell as a json object like: {'value':, 'style':{'background-color':''}}
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I keep trying, will try more tomorrow, have a good day.

Hope this helps.


Yeah it works! I used the first method as the dataset is quite long to convert it to json.

In my case I used 3 conditions in the background-color expression binding:

if({view.params.rowData.ESTADO} = "Rechazada", "#C53D20",
   if({view.params.rowData.ESTADO} = "Generada OT", "#C5ff20",
      if({view.params.rowData.ESTADO} = "Pendiente", "#C5C520", "")))


I wonder if would be a good Idea trying to do this by script without bindings.

Thanks a lot for your help and yor video Daniel.

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Hi @danieltalbot

Using an adaptation of your second option on a Tranform of the Named Query and also working great

def transform(self, value, quality, timestamp):

    output = []

    value_mapping = {
        1: "Adecuado",
        2: "Trivial",
        3: "Tolerable",
        4: "Moderado",
        5: "Importante",
        6: "Intolerable"

    color_mapping = {
        "Adecuado": "#73F093",   # Green
        "Trivial": "#B2FF66",    # Light Green
        "Tolerable": "#ECF293",  # Yellow
        "Moderado": "#F0B473",   # Orange
        "Importante": "#ffa7cc", # Pink
        "Intolerable": "#E60012" # Red
    py_data = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(value)

    for row in py_data:
        newRow = {}
        for col in py_data.getColumnNames():
            cell_value = row[col]
            if cell_value in value_mapping.values():
                bgColor = color_mapping[cell_value]
                bgColor = ""

            if bgColor:
                newRow[col] = {"value": cell_value, "style": {"backgroundColor": bgColor}}
                newRow[col] = cell_value
    return output

This one done with your first option:
