Certificate Issue connecting to Third Party OPC Server (W&H Ruby)

Specifically trying to connect Ignition to a Ruby W&H OPC Server and it is Faulting. I am getting 2 errors in the Log file:
InsecureCertificateValidator - Skipping Trust Chain Certificate.... (Certificate from W&H)
InsecureCertificateValidator - Skipping Validation for Certificate.... (Certificate from W&H)

Do I need to load the W&H Certificate onto Ignition or load my Ignition Certificates onto the W&H machine? OR What else am I missing?

I should mention that the Ignition server is 7.9.16

It’s not a certificate issue if this is 7.9, or at least not an issue on the Ignition side. You may need to trust or import the Ignition client certificate in that server though.

Thanks Kevin. Which Certificate should I try? The SSL one that we use for HTTPS to the Ignition Gateway? Or the OPC UA Server Cert listed in Config section of the Gateway?

There’s an OPC client certificate in the gateway somewhere too. There’s a page that displays both the client and server certs and has links to download.

Unfortunately the certificates that I download from the Ignition server are in the wrong format for the W&H server (they are DER and W&H Wants PEM). I tried converting wtih OpenSSL but no luck,. Now I was able to install and run an OPC UA Client (UAExpert) and it too threw up very similar certificate errors to what I am seeing in Ignition, but was able to override and trust the certificate and am able to see all the tags. Anything like that in 7.9??

Ignition 7.9 does no certificate validation.

Can you upload some logs or a Wireshark capture?

Yes, I can upload a Wireshark capture. Where to?

Logs might be a better start actually, Wireshark will require you to disable security for that connection. I can provide a Dropbox link if you can't zip and just upload straight to the forum. Logs are small enough when zipped and so is a Wireshark capture if filtered correctly.

2024-09-06 11:52:36:972 milo-netty-event-loop-0
Skipping validation for certificate: STREET=Your street address, ST=Your state, O=Your company name, OU=Please contact your IT to setup a correct certificate, L=Your locality, DC=your-it.com, C=XX, CN=natnruby001.berryplastics.com
2024-09-06 11:52:36:972 milo-netty-event-loop-0
Skipping trust chain verification for certificate: STREET=Your street address, ST=Your state, O=Your company name, OU=Please contact your IT to setup a correct certificate, L=Your locality, DC=your-it.com, C=XX, CN=natnruby001.berryplastics.com

This is the code from the Logs showing the issue. I'd rather not put full logs in a public forum, but I can send you the download to a dropbox.