Change desire location in radar chart

Is it possible to change default location of desire location of radar chart from middle of spark to new location like %80 of spark axis?
For example I have temperature various from 0 to 700c but my desire spepoint is not 350c(default of radar chart) and it’s 500c.
I can change min and Max value to 300 and 700 to make desire location 500 but I lost 0 to 300 range .

What about 0/1000 for your min/max

it’s possible but too large range and operator can’t see the over high value(700)
Do you know any way in script to manipulate it by using java api?

I’d like to bump this.

Personally, I would prefer the option to set:

  1. The value of the ‘centerpoint’ of the radar plot.
  2. The value of the outer edge
  3. The desire value set point
  4. Separate Engineering Limits from the plot centerpoint and radius
  1. Currently the center of the plot is the engineering lower limit. Anyone who has plotted polar values will tell you that the plots become extremely distorted for large inward excursions*.
    Values that drop below the minimum value would need to either stay at the center, or climb out the other side, onto another values’ axis!
    We should be able to set the center at a value that is significantly below the engineering limit so that downward excursions are still legible.
  2. For similar reasons, but less pressing for legibility, it would be nice if the high engineering limit were not the outer edge of the plot. In the event of a high excursion, the data should stay contained in the plot.
  3. It is currently impossible for an operator to see the high limit, low limit, and desire value on the plot if the desire value is not precisely the mean of the two limits. This is a common scenario, but not universal. We have a situation where the desire is not the mean of high and low, along with nader.chinichian.
  4. The ideal radar chart I have in my head has 5 nested circles on which the data is plotted. A desire point, around which the data should conform as closely as possible. An upper and lower engineering limit, to which excursions across those values can be linked to alerts and alarms, as well as changes in the component’s visible style, and finally an outer and inner ring, with the inner ring not necessarily having a radius of zero, which allows the plot to display the alarm-state value of the tag. This complicates the look of the plot a bit, and I’m not sure if I’ve left high-performance HMI behind, but it would be easy to set the defaults such that the current look would remain the default, but allow users to make the choice to customize the component.

It shouldn’t also be all that hard, I could imagine coding up a widget in matplotlib to display values in this way in about 10 minutes.

*For instance, plot a circle with a radius that varies sinusoidally with angle. Increasing the amplitude, it will quickly become an incomprehensible squiggle.