Change forum user name?

I would like to change mine to PRAMANJ (Caps) from Pramanj if possible.

Why? Shouting your name on the internet? Not a good look.

Looks more like an acronym, in which case caps would be appropriate.


Yes its like a Logo for me! It's not my real name but an acronym for my full name Prafull Manohar Jaltare!



I was wondering if it's possible to change my username to carlosbqz :sweat_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Can the almighty change my username to dcan87 please?

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Hi, is it possible to change my username to emilioc or ecuev?

Could my username be changed to AaronAutomated please?

Hi please change my username to Om33

I am in the same boat, not able to see the edit icon. Could you please change it to OmronOmicron

Already taken, apparently. Anything else?

Taken by him under a different (but similar) email address.

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I knew it. can you delete the old account? I don't even know why I created two. what would you suggest I do?

Nope, no proof you’re actually the same person/account. Log in or recover it yourself? Do you know the email?

I think I do, let me try to recover it

here we are. I guess I'll just use both. could you change my betaAdrian username to OmronOmicronII Idk why I put my full name in there smh

Our web team might be able to merge the accounts somehow. Try emailing, with proof of ownership of both identities.

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ty for the help

Please change my username to Sk@pi3, if the @ is not allowed, a can be used instead.

Can my username be updated to MSI_EXP_Auto? Thanks.