If I change the background color of the dropdown component, I get this result where the background of the button changes with the component:
The result I want is this:
I've made several unsuccessful attempts to extend the SynthButton UI, and some of the attempts caused gui issues.
Here is one of the attempts that was not successful:
Unsuccessful script
from java.awt import Color
from javax.swing.plaf.synth import SynthArrowButton, SynthButtonUI
dropdown = event.source.parent.getComponent('Dropdown')
class customUI(SynthButtonUI):
def paint(self, c, g):
print 'here'
super(customUI, self).paint(c, g)
from javax.swing.plaf.synth import SynthArrowButton
def getButton(dropdown):
if dropdown.componentCount > 0:
for component in dropdown.getComponents():
if isinstance(component, SynthArrowButton):
return component
button = getButton(component)
if button is not None:
return button
return None
button = getButton(dropdown)
button.background = Color.white
button.foreground = Color.white
button.text = u'▼'
I can create the illusion of changing the color by assigning a dummy UI, and painting a buffered image in the place of the button
Here is the script:
Painted Button Script
from java.awt import Color
from javax.swing.plaf.synth import SynthArrowButton, SynthButtonUI
from java.awt.image import BufferedImage
from javax.swing import ImageIcon
dropdown = system.gui.getParentWindow(event).getComponentForPath('Root Container.Dropdown')
def getButton(dropdown):
if dropdown.componentCount > 0:
for component in dropdown.getComponents():
if isinstance(component, SynthArrowButton):
return component
button = getButton(component)
if button is not None:
return button
return None
button = getButton(dropdown)
UI = SynthButtonUI()
size = button.getHeight()
image = BufferedImage(size, size, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)
g = image.getGraphics()
g.fillRect(0, 0, size, size)
g.drawString(u'▼', size/4, (3*size)/4);
icon = ImageIcon(image)
Here is the result:
I can do an overlay button, but I don't like it because of all the things that have to be done to make it work with the dropdown component's necessary focus listeners.
Here is the procedure:
• Set the text property of the button to this: ▼
• Add a custom property to the button called: 'popupVisible'
• Add the following code to the overlay button's actionPerformed event handler:
dropdown = system.gui.getParentWindow(event).getComponentForPath('Root Container.Dropdown')
if not event.source.popupVisible:
event.source.popupVisible = True
event.source.popupVisible = False
• Add the following code to the overlay button's mouseEntered event handler:
dropdown = system.gui.getParentWindow(event).getComponentForPath('Root Container.Dropdown')
if dropdown.isPopupVisible():
event.source.popupVisible = True
event.source.popupVisible = False
Here is the result:
Is there something I've missed? Does anybody know a simple way to do this?