Change the orientation of the tabs from horizontal to vertical on Perspective View Tab Containers

How to change the orientation of the tabs from horizontal to vertical on Perspective View Tab Containers?

Hi @Fredz, is this what you are after?

In short, there is no way to do this ‘gracefully’. I messed about with adding a rotate transform in the styles:


However, you have to embed it with a flex container that is rotated the opposite way. This could get messy quickly and would be difficult to get all the props right to meet your exact specification (text orientation etc.)

The preferred method is probably to use a flex container and a Menu Tree component:

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You method did work but any idea why transform property is not listed under possible selection ? I had to type it in - only transformselection could be selected which is different


I've never used that list tbh, just know that most CSS properties (500+) are supported which would be very painful to have to find in that drop down list.. Having a filterable list on the other hand would be useful


I use it when I know what I want but can’t remember the syntax needed. Usually faster than google.