Change user password via script

Using classic authentication and internal user source, is there a way for a user to change its own password without being logged in? Obviously, via old password input.

If yes (and how), is there a way via script to know how many days are still missing to the password expiration, if set in the gateway as pwd policy?

Gateway scope will have permission to do such things. You could implement some gateway message handlers to perform the pre-checks and make the changes.

Thx Phil. Which function(s) gateway-scope to change the password and get the residual password expiration?

ps: vision project

Whatever is available will be through system.user.getUser(). There are defined accessors for various properties, but others are possible. I recommend iterating over the user object and examining all of the PropertyValue objects you get.

I know some accessors to user, as per manual, indeed password is stated not being in. Expiration days not mentioned at all, Clear to be changed in gateway scope, unclear to me how/which function/property. Sorry

Not documented. That's why I recommend iterating over the actual user object of a user that has an expiring password.

Successfully done and interesting! I see some points now.... :slight_smile:

Just one more question (last one, promised :grinning: :grinning: ):
which is the property for checking # of days remaining to pwd expiration?
I did all the rest, found the properties but this one is not with me...
