Changing Gateway IP Address

We are in the progress of changing servers due to a split in the company. Our current Gateway is on address and we are looking to change the address to I searched through the Gateway to find a place to change the address and was not able to. I looked through the documentation and was unable to find anything regarding this topic. Would someone be able to point me to where to find how to accomplish this change?

Ignition doesn't control the IP address of the machine. The operating system does. Ignition just uses whatever is present.

Thanks- Right now we access the Gateway through the IP address We aren't trying to contact a machine, we are trying to move the Gateway from one server to another and give the actual Gateway program a new IP address.

The gateway "program" doesn't have an IP address. It listens on all IP addresses on the server (uselessly, if a firewall is blocking some).

Unless you set the gateway's public address to be an IP address? (That setting should always be a DNS name if not using automatic.)

Config => Networking => Web Server => Public HTTP Address => Public Address

All of your launchers and bookmarks on the client side will need to be updated separately. There's nothing automatic to change those. (Unless you were using DNS names, and then they'd "just work"™.)

Note that, to be a bit pedantic:
As far as I'm aware, the gateway is always listening on the HTTP and HTTPS ports across all enumerable network interfaces.
However, if you manually specify the public HTTP(S) addresses, once a connection is established, on whatever network interface, the connecting client/designer/perspective session will attempt to use that address and prefer to store it.

Right, and if not a DNS name, like in the OP's case, all the clients (bookmarks, launcher configs) have to be touched to change it.


Thank you for your help!

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