Click PLC Modus TCP weird data

Hi everyone I’m new to ignition and have run into a weird problem.

I am using a click plc connected via modbus tcp with two analog sensors… data outputs as a float between 0 and 100.

However on the ignition side of things my outputs are in the thousands. What am I doing wrong? Figured it was a datatype issue but trying a few didnt help.

The values start around 16500 and go to 17100ish, not sure if that helps at all.

Here are some pics for troubleshooting.


  1. Drop the first digit (in Ignition, 28673) (You’ve done this, posting for anyone else that finds this thread).
  2. It’s a float, so HRF28673
  3. Check reverse word order (Gateway/config/device connections/Click PLC… Advanced properties)
  4. Check one-based (think 8.1 now calls this zero-based) option (found in same place as #3)

Also look at the section on Unit ID on this page.

Ahh it was HRF!! Thanks a ton!

Also for anyone in the future I had to set the zero based to true.

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Glad you got sorted.

This manual page covers the different prefix:

I use Click and also Productivity. Don’t hesitate to ask if you’re stuck again!