Client Tags in Perspective?

Hey all,

I notice from the manual that Vision can have client tags, but I don’t see this option in Perspective. I’m trying to create client variables but don’t know how to go about this otherwise.

Thanks in advance!

Perspective doesn’t have “client tags”, as for all intents and purposes it is running at the Gateway.

Instead, session properties should be used for things that need to be global to the session. They are similar to Client tags, though not exactly the same.

Session variables are your friend. You can think of them like global variables.

You’ll find them by clicking Perspective in the Project Browser and then go to the Perspective Property Editor and down to SESSION CUSTOM. Create the session variables there.

Thank you, I wasn't sure what keywords to use. I'll read up on session properties.

Hi Transistor,

Do you have new ideas to where I can find the sessions variables after 2 years of ignition update?

I need a certain memory tag to be dedicated to a current session in perpective,

currently my problem is that when multiple users are using the perpective web that i made the changes on one session is reflecting the other sessions.

Why ? What are you trying to do with that tag ?

currently my problem is that when multiple users are using the perpective web at the same time.
when one user changes the filters, the filtered output also displayes on other session users.

They're in the same place they were two years ago. Did you read the documentation link i posted and watch the video?

You can't. Use session custom properties instead.

Do you have some guide/example for using session custom properties?

currently my problem is that when multiple users are using the perpective web at the same time.
when one user changes the filters, the filtered output also displayes on other session users.

Because you're using a tag, which is shared between all users.
Don't use a tag. But I'm not sure session customs are what you need either, which is why I asked what you're trying to do.
Answer that (and not HOW you're trying to do it), and we'll point you in the right direction.

additional information also I am using perpective,
what other options I am to use if I am not allowed to use a tag to bind to a dropdown menu?

I have a dropdown menu which filters out the display on the perpective web.
The dropdown menu is binded to a memory tag.

When One user changes the dropdown menu filter, it also changes the display of other session users

We know. You have told us three times already.

As explained four times, use session custom properties. Again, read the documentation and watch the video.

6* I did twice in another topic :joy:

  1. Add a custom Session prop from the session property panel that is shown in the same screen as the perspective pages config (click the bottom left icon shown before any open view tabs)
  2. Bind to it in your gui using a property binding
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Or you might not need session customs and be able to pass parameters to whatever should change when you select something in your dropdown.

But we can't be accurate until you describe what you're trying to achieve.
We understand you have a dropdown and something is displayed depending on the selection, but that's VERY vague.

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This is your problem. Tags (memory or otherwise) are gateway global. They are independent of sessions and projects. This will NEVER work with more than one user.

Session customs may not (as @pascal.fragnoud ) has stated twice now be the proper solution either.

Does the filter for this "display" (that's an extremely vague description) need to be global across the session? If so, then session custom properties are the correct tool for the job.

If, however, the filter is only needed on a single view, then it's probably more prudent to use custom properties on the view or probably even the component which you are using.

Were asking for more information on what you are trying to accomplish, rather than restating your problem, actually provide us with appropriate details as to what you are doing.