Hello there!
as @zxcslo indicated in Copying a Excel file to a tables Dataset - #38 by zxcslo the openpyxl worked also for me.
But I am having issues when it comes to close or save the file. The code I am using is:
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import os
upload_path = “” #whatever
sheetName = “” #whatever
wb = load_workbook(upload_path)
ws = wb[sheetName]
cellValue = ws[“C6”]
wb.close() #necessary? alternatives?
self.getSibling(“Label”).props.text = cellValue.value
I got the cell value correctly, but then if I navigate to the folder and try to delete the file, I can´t.
I get the message from Windows: “action could not be completed because java.exe has the file opened”
Anyone has a clue? I do not know where the error comes from.
Thanks in advance,
The function you want to call seems to be wb.save($filepath)
But I don’t know if the API is exactly the same on whatever version you have.
Dear @PGriffith ,
thanks for the quick response. I will try soon, but what “$” stands for?
Thanks again,
Sorry, that’s just meant as “placeholder” syntax. Use whatever filepath you actually want to save to as a string.
I just tried with this code, and I got the cell value correctly showed in the label. However, I can´t still delete the file.
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import os
upload_path = “” #whatever
sheetName = “” #whatever
wb = load_workbook(upload_path)
ws = wb[sheetName]
cellValue = ws[“C6”]
wb.save(upload_path) #using both wb.save(upload_path) and wb.close() it does not work
self.getSibling(“Label”).props.text = cellValue.value
The “upload_path” variable is using the format: C:\Users\GENIOTIC\Desktop\PruebasIgnition\Filename.xlsx
Two more notes:
I also wanted to try with the pylight library, but I am stuck because I do not know exactly what files/folders I need to copy to the Ignition directory.
I am already using the function created by @JordanCClark Copying a Excel file to a tables Dataset - #13 by JordanCClark. But I am not able to find out how to get the value of a specific cell indicating the address (i.e. “C6”) instead of row and column numbers. I have been reading some of the Apache POI documentation and I think I need to create a cell reference but I still do not know how.
Thanks !!
Add this to your imports
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference as CellReference
Then you should be able to use something like:
ref = CellReference('C6')
refRow = sheet.getRow(ref.getRow())
cellValue = refRow.getCell(ref.getCol())
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Yep! That works, I was missing the correct syntax for the import sentence.
Thanks again @JordanCClark
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