Color Chooser Pop-up and Component Pallet Selection

Couple of minor issues:

  1. In the Ignition Designer if the object properties box is docked at the bottom left, when the Color Chooser pop-up appears, it seems to almost always be partially off the bottom of the screen so that it has to be dragged up to access the “Apply” button.

  2. It would be nice if when an object is selected in the Component Pallet that the selection could be cancelled somehow (Esc key?). Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems like you have to create an object once it is selected.


P.S. I’m running Ignition 7.2.8 on a 64bit Ubuntu server, programming on a WinXp machine.

  1. This should not happen anymore in 7.3
  2. Just click on the component again in the palette and it’ll un-toggle, turning off the “create component” mode.
