Column Container pushing components erratically

Ignition version 8.0.14

Using a column container to set up a grid of buttons and when trying to add buttons to a row, the rest of the components will get pushed seemingly at random.

Before adding the button

Adding a button to the next row causes absolute chaos.

Why would adding a button to row 5 push objects in other rows? Is this a bug? Or am I doing something to cause this behavior. Notice how D4 and D5 have swapped in addition to D6 being pushed to a new 'sub row'

Adding a button from the component picker or doing a copy and paste does the same thing.

I stopped using the column container with this being one of the main reasons. The others being that it's so much work to configure all of the sizes, and if you want to add new components, it's an utter nightmare. I would recommend a flex container with wrapping

Is this a known issue then?

Yours might be, but my reasons are more due to implementation than due to issues

Seems to be a very temperamental container. I tried doing the same thing in 2 other versions. 8.1.21 and 8.1.22 (pulled from @Kevin.Collins latest on dockerhub) and got some...interesting results. 8.1.21 appears to work as intended

8.1.22 is broken, but in a different way.

I think you're right, best to just avoid using the column container for now.

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