Column container view flexibility doesn't work when referring it from a flex repeater

I have used a view with a Column container, which gives different scaling with the small, Medium or large breakpoint.

And the scaling works fine when the view is a launched independently with change in the screen size.
I have created another view with a flex container and a flex repeater. I am referring the first screen in the flex repeater to create multiple instances of it. I see that the multiple instance is created as well. But the screen scaling of the main view no longer works with the change in the screen resolution.

I have tried multiple things and different options but the screen scaling doesn't work from the flex repeater view.
Can some one help understand what i need to do to correct this issue ?


In your first three pictures, it appears that you have not entered values for the three column breakpoint sizes. Set those and see if you still run into issues when using the view in a repeater.

I believe your topic is about one of the Certification tests.

Please know you are not allowed to seek help on the forum regarding tests. It is explicitly written at the beginning of your test instructions.

Thanks @Samuel_Sueur !