Comments Panel, security and attachment issues

The comments panel is working as expected, I can save and delete notes.
When I set ‘attachments enabled’ to false I get the following error:

GatewayException: SQL error for “INSERT INTO NotesModificationsDone (NoteText, UserName, TimeStamp, Attachment, AttachmentName, IsSticky) VALUES (?, ‘thierry’, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CAST(? AS VARBINARY(MAX)), ?, ?)”: The value is not set for the parameter number 3.
caused by SQLServerException: The value is not set for the parameter number 3.

Ignition v7.5.6 (b1316)
Java: Oracle Corporation 1.7.0_21

When I use the comments panel and set the security settings to ‘Hide’ then this is working as expected.
When I set the security settings to ‘Disable events’ it doesn’t work. Every user can add notes…


It seems like you’re describing multiple things here.

  1. Uploading attachments not working: looks like the query is failing. Maybe you can post the whole stack trace? Have you tried it without the cast?

  2. This isn’t a bug. All “disable events” does is disable the event scripts on that component. This has nothing to do with the built-in functionality of the component. That said - we should add a disable mode for the security settings on this component that would disable the built-in functionality.

A disable mode for the security settings on this component that has been added for v7.6.4.