Communication with a TCP Device

Hi folks,

We are trying to communicate with an intrusion detection system.

This device uses the TCP SIA protocol.
I can connect to this device using the TCP Driver natively included in Ignition, but I have to send an access code to this device at a specific index in order to not be rejected by the device.

Any ideas on how I could do this ?
I think what would be ideal would be to send a frame as soon as the device is connected but based on the knowledge I have, I don't think I can declare this in the "Device connections" section.

Thanks :slight_smile:


This might help.
You can get the device connection status in the designer's Tag Browser in the "System" tag provider. Under Gateway/Devices you will find your devices and for each device you have a Status Tag.

Unfortunately, the TCP Device Driver is extremely basic, and only good for sending strings back and forth.
If you want more complex communication you may need to do this via scripting, or if there are other 3rd part modules that can be used on the exchange.

I found this out on a thread from a while back here:

Worth noting if you do go down the scripting route, make sure you use the Jython Java TCP socket module and not the built-in python socket, as it is filled with memory leaks.