Compare Data type

I am attempting to write a script that loops through the selectionData property of a Tree and take the Value property of each item and adds it to a list. This works great when the value is a simple string. However if the value is a list( the user selects the folder in the tree, whose data property is a list of all the data values of its children) I need to loop through that list to pull out the individual string values, so that my final list can be a simple list of strings. I tried using the type() function on the list it returns “class com.inductiveautomation.perspective.gateway.script.JsonifiableArrayList” but then if I do an if statement using that condition it doesn’t work. Any advice?

You can try duck-typing (try/catch around iterating items in the value, e.g.)

    for item in value:

Or you can use the Python builtin hasattr to check for the __iter__ ‘dunder’ method, e.g.:

if hasattr(value, "__iter__"):
    for item in value:

I tried the “duck-typing” method however it appears that a string is iterable and so it returned each letter of the string as a separate list item. I will try your second suggestion

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Blockquote Or you can use the Python builtin hasattr to check for the __iter__ ‘dunder’ method, e.g.:

if hasattr(value, "__iter__"):
    for item in value:

This worked

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