I am a very new user, so please forgive me. In in allen bradley PLC, I have an array called N11, declared as INT[420]. Each element of the array is an integer in an active recipe on a machine. I also have a recipe backup stored in _recipe[0].parameter, as int[420]. I would like to show in a table whenever any int in the active recipe is changed from what is stored in the backup recipe, what it was, and what it was changed to, with a timestamp. I have pulled the tags into Ignition, but I am having trouble thinking thru the process of accomplishing this task. Can anyone offer some guidance? I have tried a lot of things, adding history on the tags, etc, but displaying the data in a way that is easy to read and doesn't show the entire history of all the tags is beyond me. I just want to show the ints in the current recipe that dont match the backup recipe. Too many fingers on the production floor "know" how to fix things, lol. Locking things out is an option, but our maintenance techs are just as bad and I cant be the only source of knowledge in the plant 24\7. Please and thank you.
Make 420 expression tags that simply check "not equal" between corresponding elements of the array. Historize the booleans.
Ill give that a try, thank you. This would only tell me if it did not match, though. What I would really like is a history of EVERY change that was made. If the recipe is 5000, i would like a record of it changing to 5001, then 5002, etc. Also, how would you recommend displaying the change information?
Historize the values, then, too.
I would display the mismatch events in a table.