Component Alignment tool reorder components randomly

Hi. It's not a major issue, just annoying...

But Ignition seems to reorder components randomly when we use the alignment tool.

As shown below, i've my "Page.*" grouped together, i just want all my labels space evenly (not reordered)

After using the Alignment tool, i get this:

Pages.* are still grouped together by chance, but i could use the alignment again and have a complete different order.

Ignition should simply make a list of objects selected, sort them by their Y so they keep their position, and then space them evenly based on the value i've passed them.

Am i the only one who have this problem?

Thank you

It spaces them in the order in which they were selected. This remains true even during a drag-select event. If you want them sorted by their y positioning, you should select them in order of their y positioning.

Reordering make sense for cases where you Ctrl-Click to select them 1 by 1. But with Drag-Select, Ignition should use the actual Y of each of them otherwise you end up with "unpredictable" result.

In this video, all my labels are the same width & height. I've got to select the 1st line completely, then move down to select the others. If i do not completely select the 1st line, it's just random. Which line has been selected 1st? Who knows.

There could be objects placed like this, and following a different selection path in the drag-select would, we would end up with differrent order.

It would reorder like this: 1 3 2 4

This would reorder like this: 1 3 4 2

I understand why it can be frustrating to have different ordering based on your pattern of selection, but what you're encountering is us enforcing one behavior for one button press -- regardless of how the user selected their items. We have no interest in forcing different behaviors off of a single button press based on whether the user used Ctrl-click for selection vs dragging over components for selection because this invariably leads to more confusion than anything, as users would then be getting different sorting orders based on their means of selection; we'd just be taking your current concern and making it someone else's problem. On top of that, anyone who now has the current behavior ingrained in their Design pattens would have to adapt to a changed behavior.


It may take a little time to commit it to muscle memory, but you just need to get in the habit of dragging to the right and then down. Makes it a lot more predictable. (vice versa for horizontal reordering)

Also, I second @cmallonee's stance. I'd much rather have the default behavior of the button act the same way every time regardless of the selection mode. Start adding conditional behavior and it's just going to cause more headaches than it solves.

Well, if you think that it's going to cause major issues to your users, fine. I can live with that.

I'm just telling you what most applications do (therefore, what's most intuitive).

Microsoft, Adobe, LucidChart, Inkscape, etc... they didn't re-invented the wheel.

Case closed: not a bug