I am trying to populate a list of inputs and outputs for a set of devices that are mostly identical. However one set of experiments has additional input parameters. I chose to use the “display” property to adjust the size of the list rather than have a blank on the other pages.
When passing the ID of the rack, I am able to load the data properly but am unable to get the display property to react to the ID. For instance, when navigating to:
When the rackID is 3, I want to display the additional information. I made a property binding on the display property that changes based on the rackId param.
if ({view.params.rackID} = 3, true, false)
This works perfectly fine in the designer preview (manually changing the URL parameter in the view properties), but fails to display in browser.
However, when I add a button on to the page with the same binding (to hide or show the element) it works just fine.
Is there a better approach to this?
I tried some other approaches as well. Changing from a property binding to an event script by binding this display change to the root.onStartUp and on the container.onStartUp thinking that the reason might be to do with when the ID is loaded. But had similar results.